Wednesday, January 24, 2007

another one down...

Yesterday we cleared another hurdle in our IVF marathon.* Still a couple to go, but we're getting there.

* Actually, this probably isn't quite right. Its certainly been a marathon since we first started two and a half years ago, but this cycle has gone like the clappers. So, perhaps we should call it a sprint to the line!


Anonymous said...

Peter as much as I should just write you off as another fellow traveller and sycophant of the somewhat sad chap formally known as "anonymous lefty" .I actually understand how terrible it is to be on the IVF roller coaster. My wife and I did not have to go that way in the end but when we were making our family it was a close run thing.
In any event Despite your politics I wish you all of the best and suggest that you actually read some of what I write rather than relying on the opinion of sad and sorry hypocrites like Jeremy. A conservative I may be but Illiterate I am not.

Peter said...

That just sounds like so much "if there is one good man in Salem, will you spare them". If you'd like to write me off as such, Iain, by all means do so.

As you have suggested I read your stuff (I have, btw), I suggest you read mine also. You'll find me hardly a sycophant of Jeremy's; indeed you'll find he considers me not nearly left enough on many things.

(Plus, I'm a Democrat, which irks his ideologically Green standpoint no end. :) )

I don't recall describing you as conservative, Iain. If that's the meaning you'd like to draw from "nasty", don't let me stop you.



Anonymous said...

(Plus, I'm a Democrat, which irks his ideologically Green standpoint no end. :) )

This must mean that you can be saved then :o)
and I will take the time to check out your stuff more in more detail.

Cheers !


Do you realise taht if you are moderating your comments that word verrifacation is an unnecessary pain in the bum ?

Peter said...

Actually, I only turned it on incase I caught fire from slanderyou's place. guess that hasn't happened :) I'm turning it off!

I had a look at your new blog and its a very different place, Iain. A rather more measured reinvention of self it appears! I'm going to have to stand by my description of your earlier blog, but this wordpress one is a very different animal.

Perhaps you can be saved, too :)

Anonymous said...

As I am fond of saying Peter a good blog has light and shade. Like a lot of people I have previously focused on a rather narrow range of things to blog about. Oh yes and we can all take it a bit too seriously at times. One of the beauties of the WordPress platform is you get a chance to see just what people are reading, and to know how many readers you may have and believe me I have been most pleasantly surprised at the number of readers that I have :o)
Any way feel free to drop in and try to save me; I give any one who wants to argue the issues a fair go and a considered response.